Love our planet and marine wildlife as much as we do? Become a Take the Plastic Pledge Ambassador!
Real change starts on an individual level and then together we have power in numbers.
So, first we want to THANK YOU for wanting to be part of this important mission to save our oceans from being totally consumed by plastic.
As an Ambassador you get these perks:
Logo/Link/Bio on our website
Large-scale press campaign where we will feature you – get press features!
Inclusion in viral social media ads
Email promotion about your company or call to action – we have 100k on our list and growing fast with a goal to get 1 MILLION pledgers
Option to sponsor viral giveaways – get tons of social media followers and emails to grow your list!
Opportunity to write guest blogs and articles shared with pledgers
Opportunity to meet influencers
Win an Ambassadors Award for spreading the word to help save our oceans and receive a seal to show that you are an eco-minded, action-taking company/brand/individual.